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  3. Message from Chairman Yoshimichi Mori
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Message from Chairman Yoshimichi Mori


Last Updated on 2024年8月5日 by Group headquarters office

When dealing with people, we constantly struggle with apparent responses and toxic trials.
And my attitude to this is that I try to be as facetious as possible.
A person in a great position can suddenly transform and be drawn into his or her malignant values.
You then see the contrast between him and yourself. I realise that it is impossible for him to express his affection under a mask. I just smile and try to keep as much distance as possible.
This attitude is a basic principle that I can do, and I consider it to be the cornerstone of my life.
I myself am probably simple and honest. I never seem to be able to think politically.

Now, we take the attitude of avoiding bad feelings as much as possible. Because, we become terribly disgusted and reject them.
They cannot give their consent, so they just smile.
We just have to try not to let such persons paralysed our values.
You try to develop the effort and patience to never get a bad look from me.
Of course, it is a hundred times more likely that tolerance will be taken advantage of by the other party.It is knowledge.
They are sensitive to malice, so they make an effort not to show it as an expression on their faces.
That's where they try to get by with the spirit they have developed in Kyokushin.

By the way, we do not make friendly ties with such people.
So that we do not have an intimate relationship. The spirit that I developed in Kyokushin has kept me under the guidance of what is good.
Of course, I have continued to renew that spirit day by day in my training. Conversely, when it comes to what I value, my attitude is that the highest priority in a close-knit relationship is my Kyokushin comrades. Naturally, there are a lot of people from the community and other related people, but the top priority is the Kyokushin comrades as a family.
That is my priority. As far as my colleagues are concerned, I can frankly say that they are better than me.
It seems to me that my leaders are actually better than I am to my staff.
This is even more so because the heart is in it.

There are reasons to respect and reasons not to respect, but if you train daily in Kyokushin with the same aspirations, you will naturally be guided by respect.
That is why we are so passionate in accordance with the martial arts spirit that we cannot deviate from the path. Also because of that, we want to push forward the Kyokushin way.
There is no doubt that they are very confident and trusting in this group.
The world is now being disrupted by the coronavirus, and we can only hope that it will be collected soon.
They are confident that if they are with this group of people, they will get through it.
This attitude is the basis and keystone of my work.

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