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  3. Column by Masanori Sugihara, Executive Director
  4. What is character education! It is more important to develop them as people of character than to improve their abilities



Column by Masanori Sugihara, Executive Director

What is character education! It is more important to develop them as people of character than to improve their abilities

Last Updated on 29 July 2022 by Group headquarters office

What is important in educating and nurturing children is to develop them as people of character rather than to learn and improve their skills.
The worst offenders are highly competent non-persons.
The following are dojo precepts for the development of character.

Nurture personalities with interest, without interfering, without watching over them and leaving them to their own devices, and with deep affection

Determine the nature of education with the following objectives.

XX Personality is.
I. Realise the truth and walk the path proactively
I. Accepting fate and destiny as destiny and achieving true freedom
I. Listening to the voice of the body and being of one mind and body
I. Develop a deep sensitivity and see behind things
I. Always take the initiative (e.g. gratitude)
I. Do not take advantage of people's weaknesses
I. Fear of not being believed rather than betrayed
I. Accept everything, including strengths and weaknesses
I. Have a sense of connection with all people and nature
I. No unconscious reflexes.
I. Not triggered by initiative
I. Love yourself and love others
I. All two aspects can be treated harmoniously

Finally, we publish Dr Saigo Takamori's words on personalities.

Respect and love (Saigo Takamori)
Correcting one's own ways before the heavens, and being compassionate and forgiving towards others, precedes
A person who can handle love and justice harmoniously in me is a person of character.

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