
Affiliation Guide

Guide to Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group membership

Information on membership of the International Karatedo Federation Sohonbu Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group.
We are currently looking for affiliates for our headquarters/branches.

Information on membership of the International Karatedo Federation Sohonbu Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group.
We are currently recruiting affiliates for our headquarters/branches. For more information, please contact us at

Membership enquiries

About the operation

(i) The Group operates fairly and smoothly in accordance with the Group's Articles of Association (attached).
(ii) Governing body.
: Tournament organising, management of various dojos, etc. → International Karatedo Federation Sohonbu Kyokushinkai Kaikan Tezuka Group (private organisation)
International Karatedo Federation Sohonbu Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group (Location: Tokyo)

Provision for branch headquarters

(1) Use of Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group name & mark
(2) Sell/purchase karate uniforms and other items (online shop for HQ branches only).
(iii) Issue of certificates and belts for promotion.
(iv) Issuance of certificates and belts for promotion.
(v) Issue of membership cards.
(vi) Issuance of head office and branch authorisation letters.
(vii) Cooperation in advertising and publicity (e.g. web listings, leaflets, etc.)
(viii) Other.

Operation of each branch headquarters

(i) Moderate operation as a group dojo (e.g. social norms and morality).
(ii) Monthly membership fee
(iii) Admission fee.
Dan/ promotion examinations
→Dan promotion requires approval by the chairman after approval by each head office.
→The Hombu is issued at ¥5,000 per person, so the amount at each dojo is free.
(v) Cooperation in the running of congresses.
*Please cooperate with the organisation of the conference to the extent possible.
*There are no quotas on the number of competitors, ticket sales, tournament sponsorship or entertainment.
*Basically, there are no quota-like mobilisations or purchase requests.

Running of congresses.

(1) World Congress (once every four years)
(ii) National & international congresses (every two years)
(iii) Conventions by headquarter branch (each optional)

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