Tezuka Group is publicly managed

Last Updated on 9 June 2020 by Group headquarters office
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All strictly as public money.
For one year, since the departure of the previous chairperson, I have been conscious of fulfilling my responsibilities as the one entrusted with the job.
That is why all the group's operating funds have been strictly public money.
During the year, we decided to lose as much public money as possible to the field to make it easier for the general manager to operate.
It was a sense of a wrenching reform.
In addition, we have adopted a system whereby karate suits and karate equipment are sent from HQ on a straight through basis and we do not charge any commission.
The idea is to aim for a small government, even with regard to public money, which makes it easier for the field to operate.
In the previous year, they did not make it, but from now on they will manage their finances as a public legal entity.
It means that everyone should be recognised.
It means that headquarters staff are remunerated for their work, although not on a par with the rest of the world.
Priority is given to field activities.
The idea is that field activities are prioritised with regard to the Tezuka Group's revenues.
As much as possible, they give back to the general manager, reward staff for their labour and use the money to pay for activities.
It takes the idea that the revenue collected is dedicated to the whole as public money.
Naturally, this means that the field takes priority and there is no remuneration for officers.
We also considered that this kind of idea might perish.
Nevertheless, after running all year, the company said it had made a profit of several tens of thousands of dollars.
The starting point for this idea was the theme of making the most of this Tezuka Group.
The wish is to create an environment that is more conducive to activity than any other group in Kyokushin.
Now, this kind of thinking does not focus on the immediate.
The idea that it is enough to operate in a proper way is never going to work.
The idea is to think of income as the most valuable thing and to make the most effective use of it to the greatest extent possible.
It does not make public money move in a way that concentrates it in someone else's hands.
Tezuka Group's activities involve the global
It also costs money to involve the Tezuka Group globally in its activities.
So it's about how you conceive of it.
The first is to give it back as an expense for the field, led by the general manager.
Secondly, it tours both Japan and the rest of the world, so the costs involved are necessary.
Thirdly, to pay for staff who are involved in the running of the headquarters.
Thus, the first hand is for the operation of the Muka Group and the second hand is for the field.
We have been thorough in our responsibility to this group.
This attitude is an ironclad rule that must never be bent.
In this way, if we do this with sincerity, we will definitely develop.
This is because it is not just money, but precious public money that has been examined and promoted to higher levels.
In practice, Master Sugano, a tax accountant who deals with finances, handles the matter without any personal involvement.
Precious public money is not spent with money left over after the field has eaten something.
Indeed, when it comes to money, it is often thought of as dirty and impure.
However, the public money that the group operates with is money that is like a clean offering.
Operate with a thorough public spirit.
We feel that we have to ensure that this is the case in our operations.
The general managers are sharing with this Tezuka Group to develop the field.
It has to be the case that the group is prioritised and therefore the field develops.
Karate suits and karate equipment do not make any profit for this group.
It is a system that operates with thorough and sincere commitment.
We are convinced that these organisations will never perish.
Ordinary company managers might laugh at you.
Nevertheless, we made it through the year without incident.
![]() | Yoshimichi Mori Kyokushin Karate 9-dan Chairman of Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Director, Kyokushinkaikan Miyagi Prefecture Headquarters During the lifetime of the late President Oyama, he participated in numerous championships and aspired to master karate. Subsequently, he was commissioned as a probation officer by the Minister of Justice, with the aim of contributing to society, including youth education, and was also nominated and appointed as a member of the Juvenile Police Auxiliary Commissioner. In view of his past achievements, he was recommended by Representative Fumiko Tezuka and appointed as the new President on 9 December 2017, following approval by the National Director. |