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  3. Message from Chairman Yoshimichi Mori
  4. 私の名のゆえの普遍性



Message from Chairman Yoshimichi Mori


Last Updated on 9 June 2020 by Group headquarters office

It's a very personal story, but I'm expressing it because I think 'anyone with a name can say it'. In my case, I have been involved in Kyokushin Karate for most of my life, to the extent that people think I have lost my mind. It is still the case and Kyokushin Karate is something I intend to continue. I have been attracted to Kyokushin Karate for so long that I have been fascinated by it. That is why I was so fascinated by it in my life. During my training, I had many difficulties and trials in my life. Nevertheless, as a result, I was able to overcome them with Kyokushin Karate. Furthermore, I was also encouraged by the mass media surrounding Kyokushin Karate. The decisive thing is that when I attended the Sohonbu in Ikebukuro, I was encouraged by President Oyama for four years. That is why I was able to perform well at the All-Japan Tournament.

Now, Kyokushin training is a full-contact martial art, so I spent my days as a practitioner with raw wounds and pain all over my body. From someone else's point of view, it must have seemed ridiculous. For me, there was only hope. The more hope seemed to disappear, the more righteousnessIt also meant that they pursued the path of In other words, it was a result of pursuing my own name. It meant that I believed in the path of the extreme truth without doubting it. It was full of belief that if you follow this path, you will win what is promised.

By the way, every time I looked at the name my parents gave me, I was convinced that I was regarded as 'righteous'. Looking back, it has been fifty years since I trained in Kyokushin. If I were to ask if I could lead the same life, it would seem difficult just to look back. Even so, I think I had the confidence that what happened to President Oyama would also happen to me. It was the belief that even if I could not surpass my teacher, I could come close. As a result, I think it is a life for the fulfilment of righteousness and the recognition of righteousness at the end of one's life.

As a result, my name Yido is like a savings account that was transferred without my permission, even though I did not deposit it in the bank. The fact that my parents have actually sent me money for twenty years means that they have continued to love me. And the fact that I was able to trust in Kyokushin, fulfil my promise to Kyokushin, and continue on with my life without doubting, without being discouraged by it, even if my hope turned into despair, is what has built me up to where I am today. It is precisely Kyokushin Karate as a martial art, which I have followed as my main axis, that has given me so many blessings. That is why I have been able to live my life with passion and dedication.

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