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  4. Have a firm central axis



Message from Chairman Yoshimichi Mori

Have a firm central axis

Last Updated on 9 June 2020 by Group headquarters office

The Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group has received a firm focal point in the form of Chairman Noboru Tezuka.
We feel very keenly that there must be no central axis to this group.
We hope to keep the Chairman's ideas and principles at the centre of our work.
It is therefore easier to walk together with the centre towards a single purpose.

By having a solid central axis, we are not swallowed up by the rest.
This group is linked together as a single reference by having an unchanging central axis.
The world at large is linked to the central axis, so that form and phenomenon may differ, but in principle they coincide.
By being placed in a united position, the existence of this group exists as a constant.

By the way, working in a dojo can cause a number of problems.
Nevertheless, a central axis helps to find solutions to problems.
This means that the Tezuka Group will be an organisation that reflects the philosophy of the Tezuka chairperson.
The idea is that an unchanging central axis, with an unchanging base, can grasp an established position.

It is not enough to simply say that they understand that they are part of the Tezuka Group.
Each dojo student needs to work on his or her own decision to seize it.
If you don't convince yourself that it's a good idea, it won't help you.
If you just belong to the Tezuka Group and follow the "push" consciousness, the plating will eventually come off.

Now, as someone who has been involved in Kyokushinkai since my youth, I have something to think about.
During President Oyama's lifetime, the central axis seemed to manifest as solid and everlasting.
However, since the death of the President, the world no longer operates on that central axis.
Instead, the painful environment has been overshadowed until now.

It is undeniable that the past of the splintering occurred, accompanied by insecurity and fear.
If the succession had been firmly established as a Kyokushinkai, we would have entered an environment that was also enjoyable.
It would also have spread throughout the world as an ideal polemic of unlimited freedom.
The legitimate successor would have issued every issue and spread fame throughout the country.

Because of the wrong succession of Kyokushin, they were subject to criticism from within and were forced to split.
In this context, Chairman Tezuka gave me the philosophy of "family", which has never changed thoroughly Tetsuo.
One processual idea is temporary, but 'family' is universal.
The idea of the 'family' deserves a perfect, unblemished central axis.

It's not something to brag about to the world, but it's really standard.
With regard to this "family", we are practising Kyokushin and are shaken by our own hearts.
It has one clear core, which is why it feels like a lifetime of practice.
Family is the answer to the question of what one becomes by practising Kyokushin.

As such, the Tezuka Group is well placed to create a new era of the martial arts world.
That is why we should be steeped in this philosophy, steeped in ideas and steeped in principles.
It is a dream that we try to fulfil by mobilising every cell in our body while overworking our own bodies.
Thankfully, there are no martial arts organisations that claim 'family' at the forefront.

There are also only a few leaders.
The skills and techniques of martial arts can be taught, but they do not see the value of being a 'family'.
Power and sexual harassment are less likely to arise from 'family' principles.
In fact, it becomes clear who this karate-do is for.

Karate training is meaningful if it is for the good of the "family".
It also means that karate training becomes fertiliser for the family.
Indeed, the impact of 'family' seems small, but it is fundamental to humanity.
Not only that, it has remained unwavering throughout the ages.

Even if there are many problems and even if it looks as if we have failed again, I think history will appreciate it.
Therefore, if we ask for whom we practice Kyokushin Karate, it is for our 'family'.
If that is the mindset, then the central axis of this Tezuka Group remains the same.
That is why I love the Tezuka Group more than anyone else.

Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Chairman Yoshimichi Mori

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