identity age gender stature body weight (usu. one's own) grade (of black belt) one's history of karate kumite class corporate name Photo.
鈴木 勇汰 19 man 170 62 third grade More than 10 years 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg Kyokushinkaikan Miyagi Hombu
八谷 直輝 20 man 170 63 second grade More than 10 years 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg Kyokushinkaikan Miyagi Hombu
峯松 顕弘 19 man 170 63 lowest grade 6-7 years. 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Osaka Head Office
上野 雄平 27 man 168 62 3-stage More than 10 years 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg 帝誠会
井上光平 17 man 168 62 lowest grade More than 10 years 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg Kyushu Jissen Karate-do Renmei Soten Juku
藤原 譲二 24 man 170 64 lowest grade More than 10 years 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg 九州実戦空手道連盟蒼天塾(5808)
福田 大貴 17 man 172 64 first-class 9-10 years. 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg 眷正会 貞松道場
筒井雄基 25 man 170 64 lowest grade More than 10 years 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg Kyokushinkaikan Miyazaki Yamashita Dojo
中島 彬貴 25 man 165 64 3-stage More than 10 years 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg 実戦空手己道平成館
下村拓郎 40 man 165 60 3-stage More than 10 years 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg Kyokushinkaikan Sakaguchi Dojo
堀 大虎 20 man 168 64 second grade More than 10 years 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg Kyokushinkaikan Kansai Sohonbu
佐久間健全 18 man 165 60 lowest grade More than 10 years 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg Suikokai Sturdy School
大野 篤貴 20 man 168 64 lowest grade More than 10 years 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg Karatedo Mugen Yushinkai
庄田力弥 24 man 170 64 two-tiered More than 10 years 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg Battou Kaikan (name of a Buddhist temple)
Yousafzai Saad Khan 20 man 60 lowest grade 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg  Pakistan
Sharma Angkim Kashyap 27 man 170 64 two-tiered 12 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg India India
Vethencourt Ricardo 27 man 165 52 first-class 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg Venezuela Venezuela
Batsiashvili Sandro 18 man 175 62 second grade 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg ジョージアGeorgia
Hossain Mahammad Pavel 25 man 178 61 lowest grade 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg バングラディシュBangladesh
Alam Ashramful 26 man 174 60 lowest grade 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg バングラディシュBangladesh
Limon MD 27 man 164 60 lowest grade 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg バングラディシュBangladesh
Darge Shahin 34 man 162 62 lowest grade 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg バングラディシュBangladesh
Uddin Jashim 38 man 162 57 lowest grade 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg バングラディシュBangladesh
Nishan Rashmika Jayathilake
22 man 170 51 fourth class 29. general men's category - lightweight under 65kg Sri Lanka スリランカ
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