identity age gender stature body weight (usu. one's own) grade (of black belt) one's history of karate kumite class corporate name Photo.
Katsuichi Yokoshima 14 man 157 50 third grade 4-5 years. 18. 2nd year junior high school boys - under 55 kg Jissen Karate-do Tensho Juku
江田 吉輝 14 man 167 53 second grade 18. 2nd year junior high school boys - under 55 kg Shinso Sogo Karate-do Sphere Comet-kai
Motoki Eda 14 man 167 51 second grade 5-6 years. 18. 2nd year junior high school boys - under 55 kg Shinso Sogo Karate-do Sphere Comet-kai
Uryu, Yuki 14 man 157 50 first-class More than 10 years 18. 2nd year junior high school boys - under 55 kg Seishinkai Fukuoka Branch
Konakov Valerii 14 man 167 50 18. 2nd year junior high school boys - under 55 kg Russia Russia
黒木竜雅 14 man 164 62 second grade 7-8 years. 19. 2nd year junior high school boys - 55 kg and above Kyushu Jissen Karate-do Renmei Soten Juku
Taito Fukushima 14 man 170 56 first-class 8-9 years. 19. 2nd year junior high school boys - 55 kg and above Buchuukai (name of a Buddhist priest)
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