identity age gender stature body weight (usu. one's own) grade (of black belt) one's history of karate kumite class corporate name Photo.
滝口 愛乃 12 woman 153 42 fifth grade 7年 15. 6th grade - girls Kyokushinkaikan Miyagi Hombu
奥山 友結 12 woman 152 45 third grade 4-5 years. 15. 6th grade - girls Karatedo Bulyukai RedSoul
田端 乙寧 12 woman 144 41 lowest grade 6-7 years. 15. 6th grade - girls Shi-Rukkai (faction of the LDP)
内濱 あずみ 12 woman 145 42 first-class 5-6 years. 15. 6th grade - girls Shi-Rukkai (faction of the LDP)
森  みいな 12 woman 145 40 second grade 7-8 years. 15. 6th grade - girls 成心會  福岡支部
砥綿 梨衣 12 woman 153 45 Other. 2 - 3 years. 15. 6th grade - girls Yuushinkai (sect of Shinto)
菅原 未来 12 woman 145 50 second grade 7-8 years. 15. 6th grade - girls Jissen Karate Bujinkai
福元 寿愛 12 woman 148 43 third grade 6-7 years. 15. 6th grade - girls Jissen Karate Bujinkai
石井 実幸 12 woman 152 42 second grade 5-6 years. 15. 6th grade - girls Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Shizuoka Prefecture Nagaizumi Branch
中嶋奏 12 woman 156 59 fourth class 3-4 years. 15. 6th grade - girls 打撃武道 我円
喜多梨湖 11 woman 150 44 6th class 5-6 years. 15. 6th grade - girls Kyokushinkaikan Kansai Sohonbu
鵜沢 向日葵 12 woman 152 49 third grade unselected 15. 6th grade - girls Karatedo Mugen Yushinkai
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