identity age gender stature body weight (usu. one's own) grade (of black belt) one's history of karate kumite class corporate name Photo.
宗形 廸成 12 man 146 48 6th class 5-6 years. 14. 6th grade - boys Kyokushinkaikan Miyagi Hombu
高橋 圭太郎 12 man 162 54 6th class 5年 14. 6th grade - boys Kyokushinkaikan Miyagi Hombu
川添 拓夢 12 man 151 40 third grade 5-6 years. 14. 6th grade - boys Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Fukuoka Headquarters
岡元泰潤 12 man 144 40 8th class 2 - 3 years. 14. 6th grade - boys Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Headquarters directly under the control of Hiroshima Prefecture Headquarters
前田雄生 12 man 141 30 first-class 6-7 years. 14. 6th grade - boys Fukumoto Kaikan Karate Dojo
大村海成 12 man 163 77 fourth class 5-6 years. 14. 6th grade - boys Fukumoto Kaikan Karate Dojo
高木 琉来 12 man 142 34 third grade 6-7 years. 14. 6th grade - boys Jissen Karate-do Tensho Juku
白木 礼音 12 man 152 40 third grade 4-5 years. 14. 6th grade - boys Jissen Karate-do Tensho Juku
伊東 将吾 12 man 164 62 first-class 5-6 years. 14. 6th grade - boys Shin Bu-tou Karate-do Bu-en-kan
末崎 幸廉 12 man 136 34 Other. 2 - 3 years. 14. 6th grade - boys Yuushinkai (sect of Shinto) メールで変更
西野 利也 12 man 140 35 lowest grade 7-8 years. 14. 6th grade - boys 日本空手古武道 天道会館
村井幸虎 12 man 165㎝ 65 fifth grade 2 - 3 years. 14. 6th grade - boys Kempo-do Seio-kai
薦田 俐人 12 man 140 45 second grade 8-9 years. 14. 6th grade - boys 国際空手道連盟極真会館安斎道場福岡県本部
大焚 義陽 12 man 152 61 fourth class 5-6 years. 14. 6th grade - boys Jissen Karate Bujinkai
田村 剣斗 12 man 150 37 6th class 3-4 years. 14. 6th grade - boys 世界空手道連盟 士道館大分県支部(北部エリア)別府道場・杵築道場
清家莞和 12 man 136 30 fourth class 6-7 years. 14. 6th grade - boys Kyokushinkaikan Kansai Sohonbu
大場 孔揮 12 man 149 50 third grade 9-10 years. 14. 6th grade - boys Karatedo Mugen Yushinkai
Khanin Ivan 12 man 143 34 14. 6th grade - boys Russia Russia
Altabatabaee Hassan 12 man 45 14. 6th grade - boys Sweden Sweden.
Sagatyy Tymofii 12 man 148 39 fourth class 14. 6th grade - boys ウクライナUkraine
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