identity age gender stature body weight (usu. one's own) grade (of black belt) one's history of karate corporate name Photo.
championship 松永 理愛 9 woman 123 23 fifth grade 4-5 years. Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Shizuoka Prefecture Nagaizumi Branch
finishing second Em Aleksei 6 man 118 18 Russia Russia
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 中本心春 9 woman 130 34 unselected unselected Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Headquarters directly under the control of Hiroshima Prefecture Headquarters
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 辻柚子果 9 woman 130 23 6th class 1 - 2 years. 実践武道空手拳狼会
型-小学4 年
championship Rio Kurosawa 10 man 129 25 fifth grade 3-4 years. Kyokushinkaikan Akita Prefectural Headquarters
finishing second Haruka Kato 10 woman 143 30 third grade 5-6 years. Kyokushinkaikan Akita Prefectural Headquarters
third rank (in the Japanese court system) Akira Fujihira 9 man 138 39 6th class unselected Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Fukuoka Headquarters
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 飯村 瑠夏 10 woman 130 27 fifth grade Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Saitama HQ
championship Tomoka Kato 11 woman 148 42 second grade 5-6 years. Kyokushinkaikan Akita Prefectural Headquarters
finishing second Xun Takahashi 10 man 145 30 8th class 3-4 years. Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Headquarters directly under the control of Hiroshima Prefecture Headquarters
third rank (in the Japanese court system) Shimakawa Kouyou era (1655.4.13-1658.7.23) 11 man 131 29 6th class 5-6 years. Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Headquarters directly under the control of Hiroshima Prefecture Headquarters
third rank (in the Japanese court system) Grigorian Meruzhan 11 man 143 30 Russia Russia
型-小学6 年
championship 前田雄生 12 man 141 30 first-class 6-7 years. Fukumoto Kaikan Karate Dojo
finishing second 西野 利也 12 man 140 35 lowest grade 日本空手古武道 天道会館
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 滝口 愛乃 12 woman 153 42 fifth grade 7年 Kyokushinkaikan Miyagi Hombu
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 中根 明日響 12 woman 153 41 6th class 3年 Kyokushinkaikan Miyagi Hombu
championship 佐藤 雪花 14 woman 157 45 first-class 6-7 years. Kyokushinkaikan Akita Prefectural Headquarters
finishing second Lowyck Nolwenn 15 woman 157 56 second grade Belgium Belgium
third rank (in the Japanese court system) Gushchina Anastasiia 15 woman 172 57 Russia Russia
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 石田歩花 14 woman 151 47 third grade 4年〜5年 Fukumoto Kaikan Karate Dojo
championship Shourei Sasaki 13 man 145 34 first-class 4-5 years. 長泉空手クラブ
finishing second 坂本耕太郎 15 man 179 75 lowest grade 7-8 years. Fukumoto Kaikan Karate Dojo
third rank (in the Japanese court system) Toktarev Evgeny 15 man 171 Russia Russia
third rank (in the Japanese court system) Sotomasa Shimizu 12 man 156 53 third grade 5-6 years. Jissen Budo Karate Phioukai
championship 古田夢依 16 man 159 60 lowest grade More than 10 years Fukumoto Kaikan Karate Dojo
finishing second 合使一眞 16 man 167 60 lowest grade 8-9 years. Fukumoto Kaikan Karate Dojo
third rank (in the Japanese court system) Sokolova Juliana 16 woman 162 52 Russia Russia
third rank (in the Japanese court system) ALGIN ANDREI. 17 man 180 68 Russia Russia
championship 水見 涼 30 man 170 74 4 steps More than 10 years 日本空手古武道 天道会館
finishing second Muller Roca Pablo 37 man 173 80 3-stage Spain Spain
third rank (in the Japanese court system) Ukhvanisov Oleg 31 man Russia Russia
third rank (in the Japanese court system) Bramha Vidhan 23 man India India
championship 春日 寛之 48 man 170 75 6 steps and above More than 10 years Kyokushinkaikan Akita Prefectural Headquarters
finishing second Garifullin Albert 37 man 167 70 Russia Russia
third rank (in the Japanese court system) Smith Rupert 52 man 176 70 4 steps USA United States of America
third rank (in the Japanese court system) Lara Cervando 50 man 4 steps USA United States of America


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