identity age gender stature body weight (usu. one's own) grade (of black belt) one's history of karate type class corporate name Photo.
片岡淳美 13 woman 164 46 fifth grade 7-8 years. 05.中学女子 Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Headquarters directly under the control of Hiroshima Prefecture Headquarters
齋藤 舞依 14 woman 167 52 first-class 5-6 years. 05.中学女子 Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Osaka Head Office
内藤 心優 14 woman 162 55 first-class 5-6 years. 05.中学女子 Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Osaka Head Office
塩谷 茜 15 woman 149 43 lowest grade 05.中学女子 Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Osaka Head Office
井上 澄香 15 woman 155 55 lowest grade 6-7 years. 05.中学女子 Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Osaka Head Office
佐藤 雪花 14 woman 157 45 first-class 6-7 years. 05.中学女子 Kyokushinkaikan Akita Prefectural Headquarters
石田歩花 14 woman 151 47 third grade 4年〜5年 05.中学女子 Fukumoto Kaikan Karate Dojo
Lowyck Nolwenn 15 woman 157 56 second grade 05.中学女子 Belgium Belgium
Dukina Sofiia 13 woman 165 49 05.中学女子 Russia Russia
Gushchina Anastasiia 15 woman 172 57 05.中学女子 Russia Russia
identity age gender stature body weight (usu. one's own) grade (of black belt) one's history of karate type class corporate name Photo.
中根 天響 14 man 166 50 seventh grade 3年 06.中学男子 Kyokushinkaikan Miyagi Hombu
住吉洪施 13 man 145 38 6th class unselected 06.中学男子 Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Headquarters directly under the control of Hiroshima Prefecture Headquarters
中本優心 13 man 139 33 6th class 4-5 years. 06.中学男子 Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Headquarters directly under the control of Hiroshima Prefecture Headquarters
坂本耕太郎 15 man 179 75 lowest grade 7-8 years. 06.中学男子 Fukumoto Kaikan Karate Dojo
Sotomasa Shimizu 12 man 156 53 third grade 5-6 years. 06.中学男子 Jissen Budo Karate Phioukai
Shourei Sasaki 13 man 145 34 first-class 4-5 years. 06.中学男子 長泉空手クラブ
Bednyakov  Timofey 13 man 158 42 06.中学男子 Russia Russia
Shitko Ernst 13 man 153 53 06.中学男子 Russia Russia
Toktarev Evgeny 15 man 171 06.中学男子 Russia Russia
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