2. YouTube.
  3. 杉原政則事務局長
  4. Basic karate practice leading to kumite (4) - What is de-force and looseness? The secrets are explained in an easy-to-understand way so that they can be used immediately in practice.


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Basic karate practice leading to kumite (4) - What is de-force and looseness? The secrets are explained in an easy-to-understand way so that they can be used immediately in practice.

The terms "de-energisation" and "loosening" are often heard in martial arts these days. However, it is rare to see them explained in concrete terms.
In this article, I will explain this looseness in a way that anyone can easily understand. Looseness is important when practising martial arts.
Masanori Sugihara, Tokyo Headquarters Director of Kyokushin Karate, will explain in detail and we would be happy if you could connect this to your training.


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