identity age gender stature body weight (usu. one's own) grade (of black belt) one's history of karate corporate name Photo.
championship 漢 由依奈 17 woman 154 56 lowest grade 8-9 years. World Karatedo Federation Kensei Kaikan
finishing second 丹野 珠加 19 woman 161 56 third grade 9 years. Kyokushinkaikan Miyagi Hombu
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 横山愛優 19 woman 155 65 lowest grade More than 10 years Kyokushinkaikan Kansai Sohonbu
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 前田島光里 19 woman 155 52 lowest grade More than 10 years Kyokushinkaikan Kansai Sohonbu
championship 大野 篤貴 20 man 168 64 lowest grade More than 10 years Karatedo Mugen Yushinkai
finishing second 庄田力弥 24 man 170 64 two-tiered More than 10 years Battou Kaikan (name of a Buddhist temple)
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 佐久間健全 18 man 165 60 lowest grade More than 10 years Suikokai Sturdy School
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 筒井雄基 25 man 170 64 lowest grade More than 10 years Kyokushinkaikan Miyazaki Yamashita Dojo
championship 大場 健吾 19 man 166 68 lowest grade More than 10 years Karatedo Mugen Yushinkai
finishing second 與川 拓磨 22 man 173 73 two-tiered Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Saitama HQ
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 池内颯太郎 20 man 177 71 two-tiered More than 10 years Suikokai Sturdy School
third rank (in the Japanese court system) Kosturek Mateusz man 3-4 years. ポーランド
championship Yuji Tanaka 29 man 175 83 two-tiered More than 10 years Yuushinkai (sect of Shinto)
finishing second Reiya Ishibashi 20 man 175 80 lowest grade More than 10 years Karatedo Mugen Yushinkai
third rank (in the Japanese court system) Komori hollyhock 20 man 180 80 lowest grade More than 10 years Kyokushinkaikan Kansai Sohonbu
third rank (in the Japanese court system) Yoshida, Takeshi 28 man 177 83 two-tiered Shinso Sogo Karate-do Sphere Comet-kai
championship 芦髙侑平 26 man 174 96 lowest grade More than 10 years Kyokushinkaikan Kansai Sohonbu
finishing second 重松翔 27 man 175 95 lowest grade More than 10 years Kyokushinkaikan Miyazaki Yamashita Dojo
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 松尾 暢浩 27 man 184 94 lowest grade More than 10 years Shin Bu-tou Karate-do Bu-en-kan
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 瓜生  清孝 18 man 166 94 lowest grade More than 10 years Seishinkai Fukuoka Branch
championship 伊藤八重子 woman first-class 極真宮城
finishing second 柴田 康乃 woman fourth class 極真宮城
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 酒井加奈子 woman 参段 極真静岡長泉
championship Elkholfi Mohamed man フランス
finishing second Lebrun Jonathan man フランス
third rank (in the Japanese court system) Zankov Sergei 40 man 178 100 Russia Russia
third rank (in the Japanese court system) Rassikhin Roman 40 man 185 90 Russia Russia
championship Smerkalov Stanislav 41 man 168 74 Russia Russia
finishing second Hidenobu Takebe 43 man 173 69 3-stage 9-10 years. Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Fukuoka Headquarters
third rank (in the Japanese court system) DiMaggio Frederic 43 man 177 74 two-tiered Belgium Belgium
third rank (in the Japanese court system) Dautel Cedric man 参段 フランス
championship Tholey Eric man 参段 フランス
finishing second Barra Patrick 51 man 177 75 3-stage Belgium Belgium
third rank (in the Japanese court system) Smith Rupert 52 man 176 70 4 steps USA United States of America
third rank (in the Japanese court system) Takashi Saito 50 man 173 65 lowest grade More than 10 years Shi-Rukkai (faction of the LDP)


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