identity age gender stature body weight (usu. one's own) grade (of black belt) one's history of karate corporate name Photo.
championship 今戸 新 5 man 105 16 Grade 10 3-4 years. Chikushin-juku (school of kenjutsu)
championship 石田 琉生 6 man 112 23 9th class 2 - 3 years. 世界空手道連盟 士道館大分県支部(北部エリア)別府道場・杵築道場
finishing second Em Aleksei 6 man 118 18 Russia Russia
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 森下 澪乃羽 5 woman 108 18 Grade 10 1 - 2 years. Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Fukuoka Headquarters
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 櫻木 美優 6 woman 115 21 Grade 10 Less than 1 year Jissen Karate-do Tensho Juku
championship 手塚  匠 7 man 118 22 8th class Seishinkai Fukuoka Branch
finishing second 辻 圭佑 7 man 125 23 9th class 2 - 3 years. World Karatedo Federation Kensei Kaikan
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 小島 悠 7 man 127 27 seventh grade 1 - 2 years. 実践武道空手 拳志会
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 杉山 優仁 7 man 128 26 8th class 2 - 3 years. 日本空手道 木鶏會
championship 姫野 央虎 8 man 136 40 9th class 2 - 3 years. 世界空手道連盟士道館大分県支部(北部エリア)別府道場・杵築道場
finishing second 長尾 龍虎 8 man 124 25 seventh grade 4-5 years. 日本空手道誠勇館
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 三代貫太 8 man 130 33 6th class 2 - 3 years. 実践武道空手拳狼会
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 石田 大空 8 man 125 38 8th class 3-4 years. 世界空手道連盟士道館大分県支部(北部エリア)別府道場・杵築道場
championship 矢口 紡 8 woman 126 26 9th class 3-4 years. 世界空手道連盟 士道館大分県支部(北部エリア)別府道場・杵築道場
finishing second 田中 心温 8 woman 131 29 9th class 1 - 2 years. Jissen Karate-do Tensho Juku
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 寺山 心海 8 woman 122 21 8th class 2 - 3 years. 世界空手道連盟 士道館大分県支部(北部エリア)別府道場・杵築道場
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 漢 征来 8 woman 121 21 9th class 2 - 3 years. World Karatedo Federation Kensei Kaikan
championship 横島 玄武 9 man 127 30 6th class 3-4 years. Jissen Karate-do Tensho Juku
finishing second 岩橋 侑輝 9 man 137 31 6th class 5-6 years. World Karatedo Federation Kensei Kaikan
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 森谷 颯 9 man 134 28 seventh grade 3年 Kyokushinkaikan Miyagi Hombu
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 森 躍雲 9 man 130 27 fifth grade 2 - 3 years. Jissen Budo Karate Phioukai
championship 手島優月 9 woman 131 27 fifth grade 3-4 years. Kyushu Jissen Karate-do Renmei Soten Juku
finishing second 伊福美優 9 woman 134 31 third grade 4年〜5年 Fukumoto Kaikan Karate Dojo
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 奥田彩陽 9 woman 131 27 fourth class 4年〜5年 Fukumoto Kaikan Karate Dojo
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 松永 理愛 9 woman 123 23 fifth grade 4-5 years. Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Shizuoka Prefecture Nagaizumi Branch
championship 手塚  晃樹 10 man 128 24 6th class 2 - 3 years. Seishinkai Fukuoka Branch
finishing second 斉藤 逞 10 man 145 37 seventh grade 4 years Kyokushinkaikan Miyagi Hombu
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 辻 英征 10 man 140 33 second grade 5-6 years. World Karatedo Federation Kensei Kaikan
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 末崎 煌真 9 man 126 26 Other. 2 - 3 years. Yuushinkai (sect of Shinto)
championship 山村玲朱 10 woman 150 52 second grade 8-9 years. Battou Kaikan (name of a Buddhist temple)
finishing second Kiseleva Alisa 10 woman 150 49 Russia Russia
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 小山 絢菜 10 woman 128 25 fifth grade 4-5 years. Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Shizuoka Prefecture Nagaizumi Branch
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 岩間 穂奏 10 woman 134 30 6th class 3-4 years. Kyokushinkaikan Tezuka Group Shizuoka Prefecture Nagaizumi Branch
championship 斉藤 快斗 11 man 163 53 third grade 4-5 years. 日本空手道木鶏會  
finishing second 加藤 彪雅 11 man 143 39 seventh grade 5年 Kyokushinkaikan Miyagi Hombu
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 竹井蓮人 11 man 140 36 second grade 7-8 years. Kyokushinkaikan Miyazaki Yamashita Dojo
third rank (in the Japanese court system) Mishunin Rodion 11 man 150 33 Russia Russia
championship 漢 鈴那 11 woman 138 35 second grade 7-8 years. World Karatedo Federation Kensei Kaikan
finishing second 佐野 玲良 11 woman 150 37 fourth class 4-5 years. 実践武道空手 拳志会
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 大焚 楓陽 11 woman 130 31 third grade 5-6 years. Jissen Karate Bujinkai
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 矢口 心 11 woman 136 32 8th class 3-4 years. 世界空手道連盟 士道館大分県支部(北部エリア)別府道場・杵築道場
championship 白木 礼音 12 man 152 40 third grade 4-5 years. Jissen Karate-do Tensho Juku
finishing second 高木 琉来 12 man 142 34 third grade 6-7 years. Jissen Karate-do Tensho Juku
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 西野 利也 12 man 140 35 lowest grade 7-8 years. 日本空手古武道 天道会館
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 薦田 俐人 12 man 140 45 second grade 8-9 years. 国際空手道連盟極真会館安斎道場福岡県本部
championship 鵜沢 向日葵 12 woman 152 49 third grade unselected Karatedo Mugen Yushinkai
finishing second 田端 乙寧 12 woman 144 41 lowest grade 6-7 years. Shi-Rukkai (faction of the LDP)
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 森  みいな 12 woman 145 40 second grade 7-8 years. 成心會  福岡支部
third rank (in the Japanese court system) 喜多梨湖 11 woman 150 44 6th class 5-6 years. Kyokushinkaikan Kansai Sohonbu


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